Meta Ad Library is an invaluable tool for entrepreneurs and marketers looking to make the most of their advertising campaigns. With its extensive library of ad campaigns, you’re sure to find the creative inspiration you need to create amazing ads. Why not use Meta Ad Library today to give your business the competitive edge?
The Meta Ad Library is a powerful resource for any business looking to get the most out of their Facebook Ads. It provides a searchable database of all the campaigns currently running across the Meta platforms, including Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Messenger. Plus, you can use the library as a source of inspiration and validation for your own ads.
With its helpful search and sorting features, you can quickly access the ideas and ad campaigns that can give your business the competitive edge. So why not start using the Meta Ad Library to get the results you need from your ad campaigns today? While you spend thousands of dollars on Meta Ads and Facebook ads, dont forget about FOMO ideas to boost online conversion rates with Call to Action to engage your audience and get them to take the desired action you wish.
Do a keyword search in Meta Ad Library.
No matter your experience level with the Meta Ad Library, you’re likely familiar with the power of keyword search. A keyword search allows you to directly type words and phrases related to your business, and in return the database will show you other ads that contain those same keywords.
For example, if you’re a natural skin care brand, you can type “natural skin care” into the search bar to see ads from other brands in the same space. Try as many keywords as you like—the more searches you can do and ad creatives you can look at, the more informed your Facebook ad strategy will be in the future.
You can click any ad to see it in full, as well as see other ads from the same businesses, when the ads started running, and which platforms they’re advertising on. You’ll also see specific details about the businesses, like how many followers they have and a link to their Facebook and Instagram profiles. Also when it comes to your ads on social media it is also important to choose the right time to post Click here to read more on a recent post.
Research your competitors in Meta Ad Library.
As opposed to the keyword search function, which is more of an indirect way to research other businesses, you can search companies directly if you have any specific competitors in mind.
Say you want to search for the natural skin care brand called JIJI’s Skincare. Just type the name into the search bar in the same place you’ve been typing your keywords. You’ll see the ads it’s currently running. Similarly to the keyword search, you’ll be able to gather some more intel about the brands, what ads they’re running, which platforms they’re running on, and how they’re performing in general. More and more brands are using customer experience as a tool to boost online sales. We did a recent blog post on 20 brands using customer experience to boost online sales

You can also scope out competitors directly from their Facebook profile. To do this, go to their profile, then click “About” and “Page transparency.” This section will tell you if the company is currently running ads. If it is, click “See All” and then “Go to Ad Library” at the bottom of the pop-up.

Filter Meta ad Library for more targeted searches.
The Meta Ad Library has some cool filter features, so check those out to help narrow down your searches as you see fit. To access the filter, see the right side of the page, underneath the search bar. Here are some of the ways you can filter by ad details:
Country. Instead of seeing all ads across the world, try choosing specific countries in your market. This is most helpful for international brands. (Note: This is accessed in the main search bar, not inside the Filters pop-up.)
Language. Similarly to filtering by country, you can see other languages, which is helpful if your brand sells in different languages.
Platform. See ads across all Facebook-owned platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network, and Messenger.
Media type. See ads that use visual media. Your filter options include images, memes, images and memes, videos, or no images or videos (just text-based ads).
Active status. Search current, active ads and older, inactive ads.
Impressions by date. See the highest-performing ads based on impressions, or each time an ad is displayed to a user. Set specific dates like seasons or holidays. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to see the actual number of impressions an ad has received—you’ll just see the ads that generated the highest numbers of impressions.

Drill into Meta Ad Library to target brands.
In an effort to increase advertising transparency in the areas of social issues, elections, and politics, Meta offers Ad Library reports. With these reports, you can look at data (as well as filter and download that data), including how much money is spent in these industries in general, and filter by specific advertisers and locations.
While this type of info isn’t incredibly helpful for a natural skin care brand, it can help if your brand is tied to any of these three issues. You may even be able to get some helpful intel if you have a consumer goods brand that donates a portion of your profits to certain charities, which may be included as social issues.
Try researching how these types of brands are performing, and you may be able to gather more insights into the best moves for your brand. Dont forget to read this interesting blog post 10 Quick Tips How Big Brands Use Social Proof

Find out how much advertisers have spent
The Meta Ad Library also offers insight into the cost of Facebook ads, enabling you to establish your own budgeting and bidding strategy. While not all ads have comprehensive budget information, some do offer a breakdown. You can use this data to learn what others have invested.
Report ads in violation of Facebook’s terms
You can also use Ad Library to report ads that go against Facebook’s terms of service. To do so, click “See ad details” for an ad to view it closely. Then, click the three dots in the top right corner and choose “Report ad.”
Facebook will then ask for details and the reason for reporting. Use this option if you see advertisers falsely claiming about your business or copyrighting your assets.
The Meta Ad Library can be a helpful tool for any business looking to be more effective and competitive with their Facebook Ads, as well as ads on other Facebook-owned platforms, like Instagram and Messenger.
It may take some research and some getting used to, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll find that there’s a wealth of information at your fingertips. After some exploring and investigation, you’ll likely find yourself brimming with creative inspiration for your own campaigns.
Even if you’re not feeling inspired yet, start browsing and see where it takes you. You might be surprised.
Is the Meta Ad Library accurate?
Yes, the Meta Ad Library is the most reliable and comprehensive resource for seeing ads competitors publish. You can trust any data it offers you without question.
Does the Meta Ad Library show all ads?
No, the Meta Ad Library only shows only ads that are running and active on the Meta ad platform. You won’t find information in this database about inactive Facebook ads, TikTok ads, or ads from other networks.
How do I access the Meta Ad Library on Facebook?
You can access the Meta Ad Library on Facebook by either: Browsing to the “Page Transparency” section on any Facebook page. or opening the URL in your web browser.
Is The Facebook Ad Library Free?
Yes! The Facebook Ad Library is absolutely free to use. It’s an excellent resource for new and experienced advertisers looking to improve their ads by studying what others have done well.It is a free service that lets you view and download up to 10 ads from any page.You can also export the ads to PDF and Excel or save them as images.The Ad Library is an excellent way for content marketers to get inspiration for their ads, but it’s not meant for advertisers who want to use it as an analytics tool.
How to Use the Facebook Ad Library?
Now that you know where and how to locate the ad library, it is time to utilize it to gain maximum advantage.
How to Find the Facebook Ad Library?
Type into your browser address bar. This page looks like a search engine. Make sure to choose the correct country before you proceed.Now, you have to choose your category. There are only two categories if your location is set to ‘All’. The political issue, election-related ads, and all other ads. So, if you are looking for commercial ads, select all ads, as shown below.The next step is to search for a brand. For instance, if you search for Nike, The results will show all the pages running Nike ads.Once you have selected a page, you can check the details of every one of their ads. This includes the start date, the platforms the ad is running on, and if it has any other versions. The various platforms are Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and the Audience network.